A Simple Way to Add Storage to Your Kitchen for $12

Well, we’re moving right along from our Front Room Reveal last week right into the kitchen. This is a super easy, common sense project that I’ll just share with you really quickly.

As I’ve talked about with every post, we (my husband and four kids and I) live in an old 1970s trailer that we’re working on updating one room at a time. With six people, two pets, and less than 1000 square feet, we’re constantly forced to get creative with our storage space, and this is one of those ways.

Like any good, faithful coffee-drinker, I love my coffee cups. They are the precious vessels that hold the liquid gold that wakes me up every morning and keeps me going every day. Add to that the fact that some of them have special meaning because they are gifts from special friends and loved ones, and you could say that they are some of my prized possessions. That might sound a bit dramatic, but if you could see me before I have my morning coffee, you would probably agree with me on that statement. This one is from my sister with a much-needed reminder that I never follow (it’s just not in my blood)…but I try anyway…


…this one my sweet hubby surprised me with on his return from a work trip…


…this one is from our Disney trip this summer, signed by Cinderella herself! (yes, I’m a closet Cinderella fan)…


…and this one was from one of the most thoughtful women I know, a dear friend and prayer warrior from Delaware.


So, as my prized possessions, it just seemed right that they deserved their own display. Plus, we needed to free up some cabinet space (of which we don’t have a lot to spare).

The easy solution… a few, cheap hooks from Lowe’s (I got 8 of them for $1.49 each), and the empty end of a cabinet (just about everyone has one).  I measured, and my husband drilled holes and attached them. While the dimensions would be different for everyone based on the size of the cabinet, they will need a good 6 inches between hooks (lengthwise and side to side) to ensure that each cup has plenty of room.


Don’t mind the wonky accent wall…it’s a work in progress; more on that to come.

I added my cups, and done! Frees up half a cabinet (significant for us), and makes a nice, almost artsy display for our coffee cups. Give it a go!



And if you have a bit more wall space to spare than we do, you could also try any one of these cute ideas for getting your cute coffee cups out of the cupboard and on display:


Mug Mural from HerCampus


Shelf Display from BuzzFeed


Coffee Mug Rack from PineWoodLight on Etsy

Until next time!


I’m also sharing this little tip over at Pretty Preppy Party:

Less-Than-Perfect Life of Bliss

2 thoughts on “A Simple Way to Add Storage to Your Kitchen for $12

  1. Pingback: Boys’ Star Wars Room- One Room Challenge, Week One | Trailer Trash Treasure Trove

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